Friday, October 3, 2008

Pegasystems Launches an Industry-First BPM Platform-as-a-Service

BPM Architect reports that that Pegasystems, a leader in business process management software, has released PaaS, which will give enterprises the benefits of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), but without the risks and limitations that come along with traditional Saas technology.

Unlike SaaS, corporate organizations can now take advantage of the same technologies while still maintaining the same shared infrastructure. Daryl Plummer, Managing VP at Gartner mentions:

“We believe that there are more immediate and practical uses of cloud-enabled technologies than hosted SaaS, and using them to encourage BPM adoption and re-use within an extended enterprise makes sense. Large organizations host many different communities that need their own specialized processes to evolve, and they are not likely to entrust change-sensitive mission critical functions to a commoditized SaaS offering more appropriate for the SMB market.”

More information about the PaaS offering can be found on the Pegasystems PaaS page.

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